Wireframes and prototypes

Prototyping is our main focus and it is the service in which we truly excel. Please don't just take our word for it, ask our customers, e.g. Megafon, Promsvyazbank or Yota.
completed projects completed projects
years of experience years of experience

UI design in a nutshell

1. Planning
2. Analysis
3. Wireframing
4. Detailed prototyping
5. Graphic Design
6. Можем реализовать
Hourly Breakdown of the Work Plan

Prototyping is a complex multifaceted process employing several experts that requires thorough planning.  In order to ensure that agreed deadlines are met and to minimize potential delays caused by force majeure situations, we offer a detailed hourly plan for all upcoming work and control its fulfillment daily.

Deep Research of the Application Environment, Competitors Analysis, Business and Functional Requirements Gathering, Limitations Analysis

To understand all the specific features of the software product being developed, it is extremely important to dive deep into its application environment. If the application environment is uncommon or complex a separate environment study phase will be needed. We always dive deep even if it means going to the PCB manufacturing facility and studying the production process, consulting with trade experts to learn the subtleties of currency stock trade or drinking as many glasses of wine as necessary under the guidance of the sommelier to understand specifics of wine production and collection. It is deep research that has allowed us to come up with effective and well-executed UI in all the related products.

In most cases, the software being developed is not radically new and already has competing products on the market, at least outside of Russia. A Competitors Analysis allows us to adopt successful solutions and avoid most obvious mistakes even before we start the UI design process. As a rule, UI design includes a brief analysis of competitors − when necessary, however, a complete UI expert review is conducted allowing us to go into the smallest details and adopt the most successful features.

UI design demands thorough understanding of the limitations and the work effort associated with the product itself. Direct and immediate communication between our UI design team and software engineers is of crucial importance to us, as this ultimately leads to shorter design times.

High Level Prototyping. Wireframing

A Wireframe (or high-level prototype) is a document that reflects the composition and content of all future UI elements (e.g. screens or pages). In just a few days’ time, we can produce a highly illustrative prototype allowing the customer to get a first look at the future product and provide immediate feedback for on-the-spot tweaking.

Detailed High Definition UI Design

After the high-level prototype is approved by all concerned parties, we turn to high definition prototyping of the future product’s screens and states.

The selection of tools we use for high definition prototyping is always based on the specific task at hand. In the case of website or mobile app UI, we prefer Sketch since it allows us to immediately see the final result in the browser or on the smartphone screen. For more complex systems, we use Adobe InDesign as it is better suited when working with a large number of pages and custom controls.

Unlike a Technical Design Specification, which is text-based and allows for different interpretations by the concerned parties, the high definition prototype is clear and unambiguous. It allows one to see and comprehend the form of the future product and make necessary adjustments at a very early stage in the software design process. It is much faster and cheaper to complete changes to the prototype than to make changes to the software once development has started.         

Graphic Design for High Definition Prototypes

Graphic design for the UI is the next logical step after its prototyping - this is, however, a different, stand-alone service. Once we have produced an interactive prototype, the customer will have an understanding of what the future interface will look like. Yet, it is only after the overall UI graphic style is introduced (including a unique look for the controls, icons and illustrations) that the final look and feel of the product will emerge.

При необходимости реализовываем спроектированные интерфейсы

Так же не обязательный этап проектирования графических интерфейсов, но вполне закономерный. При необходимости, мы можем разработать, спроектированные нами продукты: сайты, включая администраторскую часть, мобильные приложения под iOs и Android, сложные информационные сист6мы под Windows.    

Customer feedback

Together with User House, we are working on our company's landmark project. We've already completed the prototyping phase, which is surprisingly fast given this type of project - all thanks to the team's depth of knowledge and expertise in this field...

Together with User House, we are working on our company's landmark project. We've already completed the prototyping phase, which is surprisingly fast given this type of project - all thanks to the team's depth of knowledge and expertise in this field.

The graphic design phase, particularly, was a nice surprise. Initially, we planned only to use User House services to render some secondary segments for the project and outsource the job of creating a concept and graphic design for key segments to agencies in the UK. However, the User House team proved to offer design quality that was on par and sometimes superior to that which the British agencies could offer. And so we went with the style and graphic design proposed by the User House team. The product turned out to be very useful and stylish. Thank you guys and keep up the great work!

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Vladimir Dobrynin

User House is a community of professionals who are able to simultaneously and effectively apply both creative and scientific approaches in their method. The scientific approach is applied using statistical methods to measure the usability of the website; meanwhile, the creative approach is utilized during the design and development of the prototypes...

The middle of 2011 was highlighted by an update of the websites of the Forex Club group of companies, making the sites even more convenient and user friendly. This was all thanks to our fruitful collaboration with User House.

User House is a community of professionals who are able to simultaneously and effectively apply both creative and scientific approaches in their method. The scientific approach is applied using statistical methods to measure the usability of the website; meanwhile, the creative approach is utilized during the design and development of the prototypes for the pages and interfaces. Due to this effective combination of approaches, not only do the resulting websites have a remarkably unique design but they are also finely balanced in terms of information interaction.

Before creating prototypes for the pages and interfaces for the Forex Club group of companies, the User House team conducted usability testing and completed an expert review of the interfaces, which ultimately revealed new possibilities for improving the websites' effectiveness. The implementation of these fundamental solutions has significantly reduced both the time needed for an end user to adapt to working with the site and the time needed for them to search and find key information within the site.

Forex Club group of companies: "It was a joy to collaborate with User House and we are very happy with the results of the project. Our new websites received favorable feedback from regular customers, while an improved site layout reduced the load on our call center by affording users easier access to answers and solutions via the company website".

User House: "It is no accident that the Forex Club group of companies is one of the leaders in its market. They are true professionals with whom it is a pleasure to collaborate with and communicate - and the tasks they set are always very specific and complete. We look forward to working with Forex Club again in the future and wish them the utmost success!"

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Denis Ivanov